2014. október 30 hírei

2014. október 30 hírei

What happens to the Caucasus when Russia stumbles

AlJazeera, 30 October 2014, https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2014/10/what-happens-caucasus-when-rus-2014102972425540341.html

It is hard to think of another region in the world where three neighbouring countries, with at least seven decades of a common past, have taken such divergent paths in their political orientations and state building processes as the three republics of the Caucasus - Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan. What divides these countries today is not religion, ethnicity, culture, history, or traditions; it is the differing visions, prospects, ambitions, convictions, and aspirations that they espouse and pursue.

The list of examples is long. Armenia is a member of the Russia-led Collective Security Treaty Organisation, while Georgia and Azerbaijan are not. Georgia aspires to NATO membership; Azerbaijan does not, and has strong security arrangements with Turkey and Israel while purchasing modern military hardware from Russia.


General News on Armenia


Armenian President, King of Jordan discuss issues on bilateral agenda

Public Radio of Armenia, 29 October 2014, https://www.armradio.am/en/2014/10/29/armenian-president-king-of-jordan-discuss-issues-on-bilateral-agenda/

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan has arrived in Jordan for an official visit. President Serzh Sargsyan held a meeting with the King of Jordan, Abdullah I bin al-Hussein. The meeting was followed by a document signing ceremony. In particular, the sides signed an agreement on the peaceful use of nuclear energy, development of tourism, etc. (…)

Serzh Sargsyan said the first-ever visit of the Armenian President to Amman ever since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries would give new impetus to the mutually beneficial cooperation.


Air Dispute: Ukraine warns Armenia over Crimea flights

Armenia Now, 30 October 2014, https://armenianow.com/news/58064/armenia_crimea_ukraine_flights_ambassador_kukhta

All flights to Crimea must be permitted by authorities in Kyiv, Ukrainian Ambassador Ivan Kukhta warned on Wednesday, reacting to media reports about plans to launch regular commercial flights between Yerevan and Simferopol. Last week a representative of the Head Department of Civil Aviation of Armenia said that the Russian regional airline that intended to launch the controversial flight had not been allowed to do so.

Talking to media in Yerevan on Wednesday, the Ukrainian ambassador said he had communicated his country’s concerns to the Armenian government and got assurances that “no one has given permission for direct Yerevan-Simferopol flights.”


Russia can show Turkey that Armenia and international community have claims: expert

Armenpress, 30 October 2014, https://armenpress.am/eng/news/781967/russia-can-show-turkey-that-armenia-and-international-community-have-claims-expert.html

Having allied and friendly relations with Armenia and Turkey, ahead of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, Russia may perform from the point of view of the humanitarian values and show Turkey that the international community and Armenia have claims. Such an opinion was stated by the political expert, the member of the Russia’s Public Chamber Andranik Mihranyan, emphasizing though that to do so, Russia must get signals from Armenia.


Poll Says Armenians Blame Central Gov’t for Economic Malaise

Absarez.com, 30 October 2014, https://asbarez.com/128370/poll-says-armenians-blame-central-gov%E2%80%99t-for-economic-malaise/

A public opinion poll conducted by Sociometer polling center in March and April this year revealed that the majority of Armenian citizens blame negative socio-economic conditions on the country’s central authorities. The findings of the poll were presented Wednesday by the head of the polling center, sociologist Aharon Adibekyan. (…)

Some 76 percent of the respondents blamed negative socio-economic changes in the country on central authorities, while 7.5 percent blamed local authorities. Another 7.5 percent put blame on themselves, while the remaining respondents provided no answer.


David Harutyunyan: Change of power in Armenia is unlikely

Aysor.am, 29 October 2014, https://www.aysor.am/en/news/2014/10/29/davit-harutyunyan3/

Minister-Chief of the Armenian Government Staff David Harutyunyan considers a change of power in the country as unlikely.

“I don’t think there is a strong probability of power change in Armenia. I have never seen an example that a political figure resigned because of a rally staged by another politician or his speech,” D. Harutyunyan said. According to him, in Armenia no one can impose early elections or a change of power on anyone.


PM: No pregnant woman should have losses because of amended law

Armenia Now, 30 October 2014, https://armenianow.com/news/58093/armenia_government_session_hovik_abrahamyan_maternity_leave_benefits

Armenian Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan addressed the issue of controversial amendments to the law on maternity leave benefits as he chaired the Cabinet session today. The amendments that sparked protests from working women and activists recently envisage cuts of benefits by 20-60 percent depending on beneficiaries’ work experience.


Yerevan, Amman Become Sister Cities

Asbarez.com, 30 October 2014, https://asbarez.com/128374/yerevan-amman-become-sister-cities/

A delegation headed by Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian was welcomed Wednesday at the National Council of Jordan. The Armenian delegation was received by Senate Speaker Abdel Raouf al-Rawabdeh.

On the sidelines of the official visit to Jordan, a sister city agreement was signed between the capitals of the two countries – Yerevan and Amman. The mayors of the two cities, Taron Margaryan and Akel Biltaj, signed the document at the Amman City Hall in the presence of top officials from Armenia and Jordan. Akel Biltaj gave the Mayor of Yerevan a key to the city of Amman as a symbol of new friendship and continuous cooperation.


General News on Nagorno-Karabakh


The airport that never saw any plane

Le Vif – L’express, 29 October 2014, https://www.levif.be/actualite/international/l-aeroport-qui-n-a-jamais-vu-d-avion/article-normal-322849.html (IN FRENCH)

In Nagorno-Karabakh, the local airport has been desperately waiting for its first airliner since 2011.

Since its construction in 2011, Stepanakert’s airport was never used because of Azerbaijan’s threat to destroy any plane crossing its airspace.


Some parts of new road linking Armenia and Artsakh are already asphalted

Armenpress, 30 October 2014, https://armenpress.am/eng/news/781847/some-parts-of-new-road-linking-armenia-and-artsakh-are-already-asphalted.html

Construction of Vardenis-Martakert highway of military significance will finish by the end of 2015, if they have the required amount of money, Public Relations Department of “Hayastan” All-Armenian-Fund told Armenpress. (…) Construction of Vardenis-Martakert highway of military significance will finish by the end of 2015, if they have the required amount of money, Public Relations Department of “Hayastan” All-Armenian-Fund told Armenpress.


Progress over Karabakh impossible without mediation efforts

Tert.am, 30 October 2014, https://www.tert.am/en/news/2014/10/30/mehrabian-armenia/

In an interview with Tert.am, an expert from the Armenian Center for Political and International Studies commented upon the latest rounds of Armenian-Azerbaijani talks over Nagorno-Karabakh, ruling out the possibility of progress without international mediation. Ruben Melkonyan said he finds that Azerbaijan’s consistent efforts to create an enemy image of Armenians greatly disrupt peace efforts, eliminating the chances of a direct dialogue.


News from International sources


Russia seeks ways to connect Armenia via Georgia

Messenger.ge, 29 October 2014, https://www.messenger.com.ge/issues/3233_october_29_2014/3233_gvanca.html

Moscow is seeking ways to overcome difficulties and link with Armenia via Georgia. Andrey Belyaninov, the head of Russia’s Federal Customs Service stressed that the Russian side has held several meetings with Georgian representatives regarding this issue. (…)“There are also air cargo routes. However, these routes are very expensive. By the way, we are going to meet with our Turkish, Georgian and Azerbaijani counterparts in Georgia in November in order to discuss this issue. We meet our Armenian counterparts every day regarding the above-mentioned. Armenia does not have a common border with Russia, this fact creates additional problems,” Belyaninov said.


News from Azerbaijani sources


Newspaper: 7 districts to be returned, Nakhichevan gets corridor

News.az, 30 October 2014, https://news.az/articles/karabakh/93148

"Ilham Aliyev has put maximum claims." What happens behind the scenes of the Karabakh summit at the Elysee Palace: the preparation for the Major Peace Agreement voiced by official Baku have started; the Azerbaijani president has put maximum claims at the Hollande-Sargsyan-Aliyev meeting; Kremlin's chief is also informed about the situation ...

Earlier we have provided information about some of the details of the Paris meeting of Presidents Aliyev and Sargsyan. Although no specific documents and statements were adopted as the result of strained bilateral and multilateral discussions at the Elysee palace, the political analysts are in no hurry to declare the absence of results.


Azerbaijani FM accuses Armenia of provocative actions

Trend, 29 October 2014, https://en.trend.az/azerbaijan/politics/2327658.html

The opening of a kindergarten in Armenia in the occupied Zangilan district of Azerbaijan, which occurred on the eve of the anniversary of its occupation and against the background of the meeting of the presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia in Paris, is provocative. The acting head of the press service of the Azerbaijani foreign ministry Hikmet Hajiyev made the remarks Oct.29 in connection with the information of the Armenian media about the opening of a kindergarten. “The Armenians never lived on the territory of Zangilan occupied by Armenian armed forces October 29, 1993,” said the statement. “These steps confirm the policy of annexation of the occupied territories by Armenia.”


MasterCard shows Azerbaijan’s occupied regions as Armenian territory

News.az, 30 October 2014, https://news.az/articles/politics/93131

MasterCard international payment system has showed Azerbaijan’s occupied Nagorno Karabakh territory as Armenia’s territory on its website.


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