2014. november 6 hírei

2014. november 6 hírei

New Armenia ministry will coordinate activities with EEU and EU

News.am, November 06, 2014, https://news.am/eng/news/237889.html
The new Ministry of International Economic Integration and Reforms will coordinate Armenia’s cooperation with the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) and the European Union (EU).  

Ruling Republican Party Vice-Chairman, Education and Science Minister Armen Ashotyan told the abovementioned to reporters on Thursday. 

“The tasks of the new ministry will be the matters stemming from [Armenia’s forthcoming] accession to the Eurasian Economic Union.

“I believe the ministry will also develop a new agenda for Armenia-European Union cooperation, to implement the cooperation at a new level,” Ashotyan noted.  

EU-Armenia Relations

Armenia Will Compete in 2015 European Games in Baku

Asbarez, November 05, 2014, https://asbarez.com/128585/armenia-will-compete-in-2015-european-games-in-baku/
The head of the European Olympic Committees (EOC) says Armenia will take part in the inaugural European Games in Baku, Azerbaijan, next year, despite the ongoing conflict between the neighboring countries, the Associated Press reports.

EOC chief Patrick Hickey, along with International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach, met Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian last month.

Hickey said Wednesday, “all the problems were solved,” and, “they have agreed to participate in the games next year, and they will come to our general assembly in Baku in two weeks’ time.”

Where Europe ends: Romanian journalist's insight on Armenia's touristic attraction

Armenpress, November 065, 2014, https://armenpress.am/eng/news/782761/where-europe-ends-romanian-journalists-insight-on-armenias-touristic-attraction.html
The Romanian Premium portal has revealed the hidden secrets and treasures, as well as touristic attraction and main directions of Armenia in the vast article titled “A Reportage from Armenia, where Europe Ends”. As reports “Armenpress”, the Romanian journalist stated that although Armenia seems to be close to Romania on the map, it takes almost half of a day to get there.
According to the author, as in case of Romania, the vast majority of tourists visit Armenia seeking business purposes and only few of them are really interested in the history and religion and he wants to discover the country’s beauty from this very perspective.
Among other things, the journalist underscored: “This country, which is on the edge of Europe, hides a number of enigmas. For instance, Armenia was the first country to adopt Christianity as a state religion. The Armenians are very proud of this fact. Furthermore, they find that this can be a good impetus for the development of religious tourism.”
“Upon the arrival to the airport, one can see a number of posters and postcards with the depiction of mount Ararat on them. Moreover, the mount follows you from the 5000 meters height, when you walk on the streets of Yerevan. The Armenians say that Noah's Ark is there, and notwithstanding the mount is on the other side of the Turkish border, it has the same significance for the Armenians, as Olympus for the Greeks,” the author concludes.

General News on Armenia

Defense Ministry: Violence was used against Injighulyan, video shows

Aysor.am, November 06, 2014,  https://www.aysor.am/en/news/2014/11/05/artsrun-hovhannisyan-injighulyan/
The spokesman for Armenian Defense Ministry Artsrun Hovhannisyan today issued a statement concerning Armenian serviceman Hakob Injughulyan’s captivity in Azerbaijan and the video showing the interrogation of Injighulyan which was found on the Azerbaijani saboteurs detained in Nagorno Karabakh’s Karvachar in July 2014.

The statement says in particular:

“We confirm the recent media reports that the relevant Armenian bodies received additional information about Hakob Injighulyan’s captivity, his inhuman treatment, and flagrant violations of international humanitarian law and human rights.

More precisely, there is a video that proves once again the futility of Azerbaijan’s propaganda machine. The video recording is directly related to violence used against Injighulyan to force him to make untrue statements and it also clarifies who the Azerbaijani saboteurs allegedly “visiting their relatives’ graves” are.

The video will not be released publicly as it contains sensitive information about an individual, but it can be provided to international human rights organization and diplomatic missions on the condition that confidentiality is maintained”.

New Governor of Vayots Dzor appointed

Panorama, November 06, 2014, https://www.panorama.am/en/society/2014/11/06/h-sargsyan/
By the government’s decision, Harutyun Sargsyan was appointed Governor of Vayots Dzor province of Armenia.
Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan congratulated the newly appointed Governor and wished him fruitful work. The premier expressed hope that Sargsyan will justify expectations of the government and President.
Prior to this appointment, Harutyun Sargsyan was Mayor of Vayk city. He had also served as Deputy Governor of Vayots Dzor province. He is a member of the Republican Party of Armenia. 

President Sargsyan leaves for Russia

Times, November 06, 2014, https://www.times.am/?p=100223&l=en
The President of the Republic of Armenia and the President of the Armenian Chess Federation, Serzh Sargsyan, is due to make a working visit to the Russian Federation on November 6 in order to attend a grandmaster tournament to be held in Moscow the same day dedicated to the memory of the 9th World Chess Champion Tigran Petrosian. Press service of Armenian President informs about this. The tournament bears the name Tashir and is organized by Tashir Group and the Russian Chess Federation.

Serzh Sargsyan is also the President of the Commission for Organization of the tournament in memory of Tigran Petrosian.

Armenian Opposition Bloc Mum On Next Rally Date

Azatutyun, November 05, 2014, https://www.azatutyun.am/content/article/26675675.html
More than ten days after their last rally in Yerevan the three opposition parties engaged in an ongoing anti-government campaign have not yet announced the date of their next gathering, prompting speculation about possible rifts inside their informal coalition.
Stepan Markarian, a lawmaker representing the Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK), the largest of the three groups making up the so-called ‘trio’, confirmed to RFE/RL’s Armenian Service (Azatutyun.am) on Wednesday that the leaders of the movement have not yet decided on when to hold their next rally.
Another BHK member, Mikayel Melkumian, meanwhile, suggested that not disclosing the date of the next rally now may be a “tactical step”.  
“This is something that the leaders of the trio are to decide,” he said. “It is possible that they do not speak publicly about it for tactical reasons.”

Over 95% of ANCA endorsed candidates win seats in Congress

Armradio, November 06, 2014, https://www.armradio.am/en/2014/11/06/over-95-of-anca-endorsed-candidates-win-seats-in-congress/
Months of intensive voter registration efforts and grassroots campaigning contributed to significant Congressional victories for pro-Armenian American issues candidates during Tuesday’s mid-term elections, with over 95% of Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) endorsed candidates being elected to office.  Top winners included Bob Dold (R-IL), a former Republican Vice-Chairman of the Congressional Armenian Caucus, who won one of the most closely contested U.S. House races in the country.
“It’s always gratifying for the ANCA to empower Armenian American voters, especially during highly competitive election seasons like this, when our efforts contribute meaningfully to the victory of so many Congressional friends,” said Aram Hamparian, Executive Director of the ANCA.  “While we’re certainly proud that our nation-wide electoral participation this season hit an all-time high-water mark, we’re already planning to top this unprecedented effort during the coming 2016 election cycle.

Demo In Support of Jailed Activists Staged In Yerevan

Azatutyun, November 05, 2014, https://www.azatutyun.am/content/article/26676035.html
Scores of activists gathered in Yerevan’s central Liberty Square on Wednesday night to mark the first anniversary of the arrest of protest leader Shant Harutiunian and his supporters.
Wearing masks of the so-called Anonymous group they also marched through central streets of the city, demanding the release of the 47-year-old leader of the little-known opposition Tseghakron party and 11 other men who were convicted and sentenced to prison terms last month on charges stemming from their actions during last year’s demonstration. 
Eight activists were briefly detained by police for “violating the rules of the use of public places” during tonight’s demonstration. The police said they face fines of between 20,000 and 60,000 drams (about $50-$150).

General News on Karabakh

Azeri saboteurs’ trial should not be turned into political show – Karabakh MFA
News.am, November 05, 2014, https://news.am/eng/news/237764.html
The court hearing of the Azerbaijani intelligence-gathering sabotage team should not be turned into a political show.
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR; Artsakh) Foreign Minister Karen Mirzoyan told the above-said to Artsakhpress.
“The objective of the trial is to determine how the crime was committed and to hand down a corresponding sentence to the perpetrators. I am convinced that the court ruling will be objective and fair.
“This is a judicial process, and it can not be used for political purposes,” the minister stated, in particular.
In Mirzoyan’s words, the NKR authorities are doing everything possible to ensure an open and impartial judicial process and, if they wish, the representatives of relevant international organizations also may take part in this process.

News from International Sources

Turkey threatens to leave EU customs union because of TTIP

EU Observer, November 06, 2014, https://euobserver.com/tickers/126398
Turkey could suspend its membership in a customs union with the European Union if the country's economic interests are not taken into account in an EU-US free trade deal (TTIP), Turkish EU affairs minister Volkan Bozkir said Wednesday while in Norway. TTIP would leave Turkey's market exposed, Bozkir added.

News on Turkey

Anti-Genocide section deleted from Turkish General Staff webpage

PanArmenian, November 05, 2014, https://www.panarmenian.net/eng/news/184419/
A section titled “Archive of Activities of Armenians in 1914-1918,”denying the 1915 Genocide, was deleted from the official website of the General Staff of the Turkish Armed Forces, Ermenihaber said citing Turkish Cumhuriyet.

A Turkish and English-language 8-tome compilation, written by the department of military history and strategic studies n 2006-2008, was among the erased materials. The compilation claimed to be based on 1047 archive documents.

According to the general staff website, currently the book is only available at the military history department website.

Cumhuriyet also mentions large-scale events planned by Armenia and Diaspora on the Genocide centenary, further construing the deletion of materials as a “strange move.”

Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian attended the Ankara-hosted inauguration of Turkey’s new President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in late August.

At the ceremony organized for the heads of delegations, Nalbandian had a short conversation with Erdogan, giving him President Serzh Sargsyan’s official invitation to attend the Armenian Genocide centenary event on April 24, 2015.

Charles Aznavour didn't give interview to any Turkish newspaper

Armenpress, November 05, 2014, https://armenpress.am/eng/news/782772/charles-aznavour-didnt-give-interview-to-any-turkish-newspaper.html
The information spread by the Turkish Posta news agency claiming that the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to Switzerland Charles Aznavour gave an interview to a Turkish journalist does not correspond to reality. As reports “Armenpress”, this information, which was circulating in the Turkish media and was also widely discussed in  Armenia, was dismissed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia. “Charles Aznavour did not give interview to any Turkish newspaper and he did not accept an award,” the Spokesperson of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia Tigran Balayan stated on Twitter.

Settlement process hurt by mistrust between gov’t, pro-Kurdish parties

Today’s Zaman, November 05, 2014, https://www.todayszaman.com/national_settlement-process-hurt-by-mistrust-between-govt-pro-kurdish-parties_363655.html
A growing mistrust between pro-Kurdish political parties and the government -- the two sides involved in the ongoing settlement process to resolve Turkey's longstanding Kurdish issue -- has become more visible in the wake of the Kobani protests, with both parties recently using a more accusative tone against each other.

The government and the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) have been exchanging accusations on the current status of the settlement process, which was launched by the government in late 2012 to solve the longstanding Kurdish issue by holding talks with the imprisoned leader of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), Abdullah Öcalan. The parties blame each other for failing to take the necessary steps in their part of the process.


News from Azerbaijani Sources

Zakir Hasanov: Azerbaijani state obliged to resolve conflict by military means

APA, November 05, 2014, https://en.apa.az/xeber_zakir_hasanov__azerbaijani_state_obliged_218618.html
Next graduation ceremony for the young officers, who have successfully completed the Reserve Officer course and given the military rank of lieutenant under the order of the defense minister, has been held today at the Military Education and Training Center of the Armed Forces.
Defense Minister, Colonel General Zakir Hasanov has met with the graduates, first congratulating them on obtaining their first officer ranks, APA reports.
The minister mentioned 20 percent of our lands have been under occupation since years ago, stressing that the main responsibility for the resolution of this problem is upon the Armed Forces’ personnel: “Our country has for years spared no efforts to resolve the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict of Nagorno-Karabakh. Unfortunately, with their double standards, officials of some influential states and international organizations turn a blind eye to the occupation of our lands, recognized within the international law, instead of exerting pressure on Armenia. In this case, Azerbaijan is obliged to resolve the conflict by military means and liberate its lands from occupation by using military force”. 



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