2014. november 3 hírei

2014. november 3 hírei

Europe For ‘Stronger’ Relations With Eastern European Countries

Azatutyun, November 03, 2014, https://www.azatutyun.am/content/article/26671935.html
The European Union wants its relations with post-Soviet countries to grow stronger despite the current tensions with Russia, a visiting British official said in Yerevan on Monday.
Minister of State at the British Foreign Office David Lidington was on an official visit to Armenia during which he, in particular, held meetings with the country’s Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian and President Serzh Sarkisian.  
Speaking at a joint press conference with Nalbandian, Lidington, replying to a question from RFE/RL’s Armenian Service on whether the current tense relations between the West and Russia would also affect the EU’s attitude towards Russia’s allies, such as Armenia, which is going to join a Russian-led trade bloc, the Eurasian Economic Union, in January.

Armenia-EU Relations

New EU Commissioner to strengthen cooperation with Armenia

Mediamax, October 31, 2014, https://www.mediamax.am/en/news/foreignpolicy/12120/
New Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn is planning to strengthen cooperation with Armenia.

Mediamax notes that since 2010, Johannes Hahn has held the post of European Commissioner for Regional Policy simultaneously with the post of the Vice President European People's Party (EPP). Over 2007-2009, Johannes Hahn was the Austrian Federal Minister for Science and Research. 
At the parliamentary hearings around a month ago, the new EU commissioner who will take up his post on November 1 has presented his views on a number of issues. 
Mediamax has picked out some of them.

“The ENP needs to become more flexible. Our neighbouring countries are too diverse to apply a one-size-fits-all approach. The ENP needs to be able to respond more quickly and effectively to crises. The policy needs to work not just country by country, but field by field, to ensure that we have the right tools to deliver on all key issues, including energy, free trade, migration, and with a particular emphasis on good governance…”

General News on Armenia

Nations’ right to self-determination cannot be disregarded – Armenia MFA

News.am, November 03, 2014, https://news.am/eng/news/237312.html
Armenia has always stressed that the exercising of the nations’ right to self-determination is not a cause for conflicts. On the contrary, the obstruction of the exercising of this right and its denial creates a favorable ground for conflicts.
Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian stated the abovementioned at Monday’s joint news conference with David Lidington, the Minister for Europe at the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, commenting on the UN experts’ report with respect to this right.
“We [, Armenia,] have always said and [continue to] say that the exercising of the right to self-determination can become a ‘prophylactic’ for new problems,” the minister stated.

Venice Commission’s priority text of constitutional reforms - Thomas Markert

Tert.am, November 03, 2014, https://www.tert.am/en/news/2014/11/03/thomas-armenia/
It is natural that opposition forces mistrust the authorities, but the Venice Commission, as an external observer, is more inclined to read the text itself, Secretary of the Venice Commission Thomas Markert told reporters on Monday as he commented on certain political forces’ positions on constitutional reforms.
Earlier, the main opposition forces were supportive of the idea of parliamentary government, whereas now that a relevant proposal has been made they are objecting to it, Mr Market said. 
The Venice Commission approved of the concept of reforms. However, the reforms have not yet been launched. It is only after texts and articles have been written, the can reforms be considered a success or a failure. The Venice Commission is not considering anything in the context of the present situation in Armenia. Rather, it is making long-term assessments. Therefore, the Venice Commission believes in good mid- and long-term prospects. 

Budgetary allocations for health sector to increase by 3.3 %

Armenpress, November 03, 2014, https://armenpress.am/eng/news/782398/budgetary-allocations-for-health-sector-to-increase-by-33-.html
By the draft state budget 83 billion 468 million drams will be allocated to the sphere of healthcare. Deputy Finance Minister Pavel Safaryan said during the preliminary discussion of the draft state budget 2015.
“Budgetary allocations for the health sector have grown by 3.3 % as compared to the running year. Considering the structure of these expenses, we see that the current expenses in the field have grown. Specifically, as compared to the previous year, they have increased by 8 billion 528 million drams – 12 %, Pavel Safaryan noted, Armenpress reports.

Armenia and Karabakh to participate in World Travel Market exhibition

Aysor, November 03, 2014, https://www.aysor.am/en/news/2014/11/03/World-Travel-Market/
Armenia will participate in World Travel Market international tourism exhibition in London on November 3-6. The Armenian pavilion will present Nagorno Karabakh as well.

According to the National Competitiveness Foundation of Armenia, the exhibition participants will include 500 travel agencies from 186 countries and about 50 thousands travel experts.

The cultural and Christian heritage of Armenia and Artsakh will be displayed at the exhibition.

Armenian Parliament vice-speaker receives UNICEF representative in Armenia

Tert.am, November 03, 2014, https://www.tert.am/en/news/2014/11/03/Armenia-hermine-naghdalyan87/
Vice-Speaker of Armenia’s Parliament Hermine Naghdalyan received on Monday Ms. Henriette Ahrens, Representative of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Armenia, Information Programs Officer Zara Sargsyan and Education Program Officer Meri Poghosyan.
The guests informed Ms Naghdalyan that, on the threshold of the 25th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, UNICEF has initiated a number of projects in cooperation with different parliaments, including Armenia’s Parliament. 
Ms Naghdalyan commended the UNICEF Armenia office’s activities to protect children’s rights. The protection of children’s rights is permanently the focus of the Armenian Parliament’s attention. Ms Naghdalyan expressed the confidence that the relevant programs will be implemented on a regular basis. 
On her part, Ms. Henriette Ahrens stressed the importance of intensifying cooperation between Armenia’s Parliament and UNICEF. 

General News on Karabakh

Armenian, Azeri FMs to meet on sidelines of OSCE Ministerial Council

PanArmenian, November 03, 2014, https://www.panarmenian.net/eng/news/184307/
The OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs will meet with Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers in December.
According to the U.S. Co-Chair of the OSCE MG James Warlick, the meeting will take place on the sidelines of the OSCE Ministerial Council in Switzerland.
The ministers will discuss preparations for next year’s presidential meetings, Warlick said, adding that the Co-Chairs plan to continue cooperation with the officials on the Karabakh settlement, Azerbaijani media reported.
The 21st OSCE Ministerial Council will take place on December 4 and 5, 2014 in Basel, Switzerland.

Azerbaijani saboteurs had Injighulyan interrogation videos

News.am, November 03, 2014, https://news.am/eng/news/237356.html
The court hearing of the criminal case into Dilham Askerov and Shahbaz Guliyev, the two members of an Azerbaijani intelligence-gathering sabotage team, resumed Monday at the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR; Artsakh) capital city Stepanakert seat of the NKR First Instance General Jurisdiction Court.

The presiding judged continued presenting the two defendants’ testimonies they had given during the investigation, Artsakhpress reported.  

According to Guliyev’s testimony, Hasan Hasanov wanted to twist Smbat Tsakanyan’s neck to kill him. Reaffirming this testimony, Guliyev stated that Hasanov had also used violence against the Armenian teen.  

Askerov, for his part, once again confirming that he was the one recording with Hasanov’s video camera, and noted that Hasanov had a map to decide where and what kind of recordings must be made.   


Karabakh FM completes working visit to Canada

News.am, November 03, 2014, https://news.am/eng/news/237335.html
On October 30 and 31, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR; Artsakh), Karen Mirzoyan, was in Montreal within the framework of his working visit to Canada.

On October 30, Mirzoyan visited the Saint Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral of the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Sourp Hagop Armenian Apostolic Cathedral of the Armenian Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia in Canada, and the Sourp Hagop and the Alex Manoogian Schools, and he met with representatives of the Diaspora-Armenian organizations.

Seyran Ohanyan: It is hard to expect results from Paris Summit

Armradio, November 01, 2014, https://www.armradio.am/en/2014/11/01/seyran-ohanyan-it-is-hard-to-expect-results-from-paris-summit/
Agreements reached at the Paris summit between the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan, Serzh Sargsyan and Ilham Aliev are quite important, still it is too hard to expect any certain outcomes, as we haven’t practiced any certain steps from the sides of our neighbors apart from the words and statements, RA Minister of Defense Seyran Ohanyan stated at a the press conference today.
According to him, the results are only possible in the case of progress with the support of international organizations. The Armenian Defense Minister noted that Azeri saboteurs penetrated into the territory of Artsakh, and who are now under the lawsuit must be punished. In Minister’s words the judicial inquiry is held in accordance with international standards.
Seyran Ohanyan noted that Armenia has always advocated the strengthening of trust, but has always received a negative reaction from the enemy.

News on Turkey

Dink murder trial takes new turn as court to focus on ‘criminal organization’ claims

Hurriyet Daily News, October 31, 2014, https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/dink-murder-trial-takes-new-turn-as-court-to-focus-on-criminal-organization-claims-.aspx?pageID=238&nID=73684&NewsCatID=509
The trial into the murder of the Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink has taken a significant turn after the court in Istanbul overseeing the case announced that it will focus on the “criminal organization” allegations against suspects, a move that lawyers representing the victim’s family had demanded since the start of the retrial.
Istanbul's 5th High Criminal Court ruled on Oct. 30 in line with a previous Supreme Court of Appeals decision that overturned the verdict of the initial trial process, on the grounds that it overlooked investigating the murder of the renowned editor-in-chief of the weekly Agos in the context of a planned and organized crime. 
According to the decision, the suspects will be retried on charges of being a member of a criminal organization.

Fresno State breaks ground on Armenian Genocide memorial monument

Armenpress, November 03, 2014, https://armenpress.am/eng/news/782389/fresno-state-breaks-ground-on-armenian-genocide-memorial-monument.html
Fresno State broke ground Sunday on a new monument to honor victims of the Armenian Genocide. As reports "Armenpress" referring to ABC30, the monument will be located south of the Satellite Student Union. Pillars will represent the six provinces of historic Armenia, with an incomplete halo symbolizing the fracture left by the genocide and the unity of the Armenian people.
The monument is being built with private donations and will be dedicated on April 24 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the start of the genocide.

News from Azerbaijani Sources

Meeting of Azerbaijani, Armenian FMs expected to be held in Basel, Elmar Mammadyarov says

APA, November 03, 2014, https://en.apa.az/xeber_meeting_of_azerbaijani__armenian_fms_exp_218469.html
“This conflict can not be resolved in one day”

Baku. Rufat Ahmadzada – APA. A meeting of the foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia with the participation of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs is expected to be held in early December, Azerbaijani FM Elmar Mammadyarov said at a press conference Nov.3 following the meeting with Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto in Baku, APA reports.

The minister said extensive discussions were held in Paris.

 “Meetings were held at various levels, including with French President Hollande. This is a step and a process as well. Hollande said in his statement that it is high time to continue working on a peace agreement. As you know, there are the Madrid principles. However, some issues haven’t been agreed on yet. This conflict can not be resolved in one day. We need to continue discussions on those issues that are not yet agreed on. New York meeting is a proposal. Most likely, a meeting on the Karabakh conflict will be held as a part of OSCE Ministerial Council meeting in Basel at the beginning of December. We will hold discussions. There would be a need for the next meeting of the presidents in the near future,” he said.


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