2014. november 14 hírei

2014. november 14 hírei

Forza Italia condemns Azeri aggression against Karabakh helicopter

News.am, November 14, 2014, https://news.am/eng/news/239153.html
Forza Italia, the party of Silvio Berlusconi, condemns the incident on the contact line between Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan, Armenian News - NEWS.amreports.
According to the Italian edition of the Free News Online, which cited Il Mattinale, Forza Italia’s official newspaper, the party stressed that Azeri provocation can start a war between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
“The echoes of the Caucasian war may start a frozen conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan after Azerbaijanis shot down a helicopter of (Christian-Armenian) supporters of independence of Nagorno-Karabakh. After doing this, the Azerbaijani side does not allow anyone to approach the helicopter to help wounded soldiers. We condemn this aggression as a real provocation. This is especially terrible after the Armenian sources said that the helicopter had no weapons during the training. The episode has also been strongly condemned by the European Union, the OSCE, the Russian Federation, the United States, and France. We join them and consider that a heavy attacks with dangerous consequences. However, our government is still silent,” writes the publication.
Source: https://www.freenewsonline.it/?p=11842

EU-Armenia Relations

EuFoA: Azerbaijan established regime based on fear and lies

PanArmenian, November 13, 2014, https://www.panarmenian.net/eng/news/184780/
The European Friends of Armenia EuFoA as well as a number of European politicians strongly condemned the downing of the Artsakh military helicopter by Azerbaijani armed forces.

“We condemn the new outbreak of violation. We state that as always, it is the Azerbaijani authorities that are responsible for it again. This provocation nullifies Azerbaijan’s commitments. We hoped Baku would adopt a more rational and constructive behavior after Armenia-Azerbaijan meeting on October 27 in Paris. Breaking the promise to France only a few days ago, the Azerbaijani leadership showed that it’s not a reliable partner in the region,” said François Rochebloine, French MP and Member of EuFoA’s Europe-Armenia Advisory Council.

“It is clear to all international organizations that the Azerbaijani administration established a totalitarian regime based on fear, lies and repression. Therefore, it also tries to neutralize any attempt of freedom and rule of law in the region, attempting in vain to threaten also the population of Nagorno Karabakh and their strong commitment to democracy and fundamental rights by shooting down unarmed helicopters, or murdering civilians as it was the case a few weeks ago. Last but not least I would like to pass my deepest condolences to the families of the helicopter crew,” added EuFoA Director Eduardo Lorenzo Ochoa.

“Shooting down the military helicopter in Nagorno Karabakh is a very dangerous and unprecedented escalation of the conflict in the region,” said MEP Jaromir Stetina of the EPP Group and Vice-Chairman of the Sub-committee on Security and Defense of the European Parliament.

MEP says EU must organize ad hoc mission examining Armenian helicopter downing

News.am, November 14, 2014, https://news.am/eng/news/239242.html

Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Eleni Theocharous, who is also Head of the European Union (EU)-Armenia Friendship Group of the Parliament, has released a statement condemning Azerbaijan’s shooting down of an Armenian military helicopter. 

“The EU should organise an ad hog mission to examine what happened on the ground. With this statement, I feel the obligation to condemn a provocative action taken by the Azeri Military Forces, on November 12, 2014, against innocent people who have been probably  lost their lives. In fact, the Azeri Military Forces shot down an unarmed helicopter of the Nagorno-Karabakh (NKR) Defense Army while it was on a training flight. The fate of the crew members remains unknown because of the Azerbaijan's continued shootings and therefore the rescue operation seems to be very complicated. This incident is the most serious one since the Cease-Fire Agreement signed in 1994 by Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh and Armenia.


General News on Armenia

Armenia MOD hosts NATO Week roundtable discussion

News.am, November 13, 2104, https://news.am/eng/news/239075.html
A roundtable discussion, and devoted to the new initiative entitled “NATO Interoperability Platform,” was convened Thursday at the Ministry of Defense (MOD) of Armenia.
At the event, which was held within the framework of the annual NATO Week in Armenia, the deliberations revolved around Armenia’s involvement in the multinational efforts to maintain international peace and security, and the opportunities which the Interoperability Platform provides in implementing defense reforms.
The British and German ambassadors to Armenia, the military attachés of foreign country missions accredited in the country, and senior representatives from the Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs of Armenia delivered remarks at the roundtable discussion.

WB approves $75mln loan to support reforms in Armenia

PanArmenian, November 13, 2014, https://www.panarmenian.net/eng/news/184760/
The World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved a $75 million loan for the Second Development Policy Operation (DPO) for Armenia to support a wide range of reforms in the business environment, finance, civil service, social protection, public infrastructure and environment.

This is the second in a series of three DPOs, supporting the government of Armenia in meeting its strategic objectives, including stronger job creation, which is Armenia’s overarching development challenge.

“The Operation is designed to support economic growth and sustainability to help Armenia reduce poverty and promote shared prosperity,” says Laura E. Bailey, World Bank Country Manager for Armenia. “Creating jobs is critical here in Armenia. The program aims to achieve this through strengthening competitiveness and enhancing fiscal, social and environmental sustainability.”


Armenia’s Eurasian Union treaty on Constitutional Court’s agenda


Tert.am, November 14, 2014, https://www.tert.am/en/news/2014/11/14/armenia-cc-eeu/
The Constitutional Court on Friday opened its hearing to debate the constitutionality of Armenia’s Treaty on Acceding to the Eurasian Economic Union.

The question is now being considered in a consultative room; a final ruling will be published later.

In his opening speech, CC President Gagik Harutyunyan raised two key questions regarding what was termed as sensitive issues. “First, the treaty contains the concept sensitive issues, which I did not quite understand. And secondly, it is specified that those sensitive issues are subject to appeal,” he said addressing Suren Karayan, a deputy minister of finance.

Karayan explained that the said clauses may be temporarily suspended in case of being appealed.

Armenia’s Treaty to Accede to the EEU was signed on the sidelines of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council’s summit in Minsk, Belarus on May 29.


AVA, Made in Armenia: Syrian Armenians set up shoe production in Yerevan


Armenia Now, November 14, 2014, https://www.armenianow.com/society/features/58498/armenia_shoe_production_syrian_armenian_andranik_safar
Different shoe insoles and outsoles, ready or semi-ready models, tools… On one of the walls there is the Armenian tricolor, next to it – General Andranik’s picture, on the opposite wall there is Aznavour smiling. This is the very workshop where with the efforts of three Syrian-Armenian fellows most modern and most comfortable Armenian new AVA shoes are born. 
“We choose the type of leather, the color, and the models together, mix them and make new things. But it is very important for us that in the most visible part of the shoes one can see the sign AVA and Made in Armenia,” 28-year-old designer Andranik Safar said. “We knew each other as friends still from Aleppo, and here we decided to start a business together.”
AVA stands for the initials of the friends – Andranik, Vigen, Arto. They opened the shoe factory five months ago. They have already managed to produce 100 pairs of shoes which now are being sold in different Yerevan stores.

General News on Karabakh

UN Secretary General calls for avoiding steps escalating situation in Karabakh

Mediamax, November 14, 2014, https://www.mediamax.am/en/news/karabakh/12281/
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called on Armenia and Azerbaijan to respect the ceasefire regime.

At a briefing today, Deputy Spokesman for UN Secretary General Farhan Haq said that the Secretary General shares his very serious concerns expressed by the Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group and other international partners regarding the ceasefire breach on 12 November 2014 along the contact line, including the shooting down of a military helicopter and resulting casualties among the crew members, Mediamax reports. 
''The Secretary-General also urges all sides to refrain from any actions likely to lead to further escalation of the situation on the ground, and to fulfill their repeated commitments to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict'', said the Deputy Spokesman.

Bishops’ Synod of the Armenian Church Condemns Downing of Armenian Helicopter by Azerbaijan Armed Forces

Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, November 13, 2014,  https://www.armenianchurch.org/index.jsp?sid=3&classID=-1000&nid=2743&y=2014&m=10&d=13&lng=en
On November 13, during the ongoing Bishops’ Synod, being held in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin under the presidency of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; and His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia; particular reference was made to the incident resulting in the downing of an Armenian helicopter at the Artsakh frontline, condemning the unrestrained provocations by Azerbaijan.
The Bishops’ Synod offered a prayer to God for the rest of the souls of the killed crew members of the stricken helicopter; Major Sergey Sahakyan, Senior Lieutenant Sarkis Nazarian, and Lieutenant Azat Sahakyan; and expressed condolences to their families and friends.
In observance of the current troubling situation, the Bishops’ Synod expressed its support to the Armenian and Nagorno-Karabagh authorities, asking for the Lord to grant peace to our country and people.

Russia, US React to Helicopter Downing

Asbarez, November 13, 2014, https://asbarez.com/128843/russia-us-react-to-helicopter-downing/
Russia, together with other co-chairing countries of the mediating OSCE Minsk Group, will continue targeted efforts in resolving the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the Russian Foreign Ministry’s official spokesman said Thursday, a day after Azerbaijani forces shot down an unarmed Artsakh military helicopter, killing three people.

“Russia calls on Armenia and Azerbaijan to refrain from moves which could lead to the escalation of tensions,” the Russian Foreign Ministry’s spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said on Thursday, TASS reports.

“We are very concerned about the incident which has led to the deaths of people. We offer our deepest condolences to the families of the victims,” Lukashevich said, adding that Russia’s stance was reflected in the statement of the OSCE Minsk Group on November 12

The EU’s foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, also called for an inquiry into the incident which could lead to another upsurge in fighting between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces, RFE/RL’s Armenian service (Azatutyun.am) reports.

U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki similarly said that the incident is “yet another reminder” of the need to reduce tensions in the conflict zone. There can be “no military solution to the conflict,” Psaki told reporters in Washington.

Journalists address questions on downed helicopter at U.S. Department of State

Armenpress, November 14, 2014, https://armenpress.am/eng/news/783925/journalists-address-questions-on-downed-helicopter-at-us-department-of-state.html
The United States will continue to work through its contacts on the ground to see if the sides can move closer to a resolution. As reports “Armenpress”, the State Department Spokeswoman Jen Psaki stated this.
Then, a journalist stated: “Do you acknowledge that it was Azerbaijan which violated the ceasefire yesterday, and also violated one of the main principles of peaceful settlement of the conflict,

which is no use of force? Do you acknowledge this part?” In this regard Psaki noted: “I don’t have any analysis of the exact events on the ground. We’ve seen the same reports. There are obviously comments and claims from both sides, but I don’t have any analysis beyond that.” Also, the journalist voiced another question and said: “Azerbaijan shooting an Armenian vessel, then it’s pretty clear which party is violating the ceasefire.”

Ms. Psaki tried to justify herself and stated: “We understand there are views by both sides, but I don’t have any comment from the U.S. Government on it.”


Pallone expresses outrage at attack on Nagorno Karabakh helicopter


ArmRadio, November 14, 2014, https://www.armradio.am/en/2014/11/14/pallone-expresses-outrage-at-attack-on-nagorno-karabakh-helicopter/
Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ-06), Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues, released the following statement upon news of an Azerbaijani attack on a Nargorno Karabakh helicopter:

“I am outraged and saddened by the Azerbaijani attack on the Nagorno Karabakh helicopter engaged in a training flight.  This is another instance of aggression by the Azerbaijani government towards Nagorno Karabakh and Armenia and represents an escalation in their violent actions that continue to have a destabilizing impact on the region.  There is no longer any question that President Obama must take action to discourage Azerbaijan from pursuing such violent aggression and to demonstrate our commitment to peace and stability.

“I encourage President Obama to formally condemn this deadly attack.  I am also calling for the cessation of any military assistance to Azerbaijan and the strengthening of section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act, which restricts aid to Azerbaijan based on its aggression toward Nagorno Karabakh and Armenia.  It is time for both the President and Congress to ensure that U.S. law once again holds Azerbaijan accountable for its violent actions.

“The families of those who were killed and all of Nagorno Karabakh’s citizens remain in my thoughts and prayers.”

‘Troika’ say will “unconditionally” stand up for Karabakh defense despite differences on domestic issues

Armenia Now, November14, 2014, https://www.armradio.am/en/2014/11/14/pallone-expresses-outrage-at-attack-on-nagorno-karabakh-helicopter/
Armenia’s three major opposition parties currently pushing for a change of government in the country have signaled their strong support for Nagorno-Karabakh in the wake of the recent downing of an Armenian military helicopter by Azerbaijani forces. 
In their joint statement issued on Thursday the Prosperous Armenia Party, the Armenian National Congress and Heritage said “the brazen provocation” was aimed at escalating military operations. 
“This is an unprecedented fact since the ceasefire was established,” the three parties known as ‘Troika’ said, reminding that different countries and international organizations have issued warnings and condemnations over this “dangerous and condemnable act”. 
“The three opposition parliamentary forces state once again that, regardless of the domestic political problems, in the event of external danger they will unconditionally stand at the defenses of the security of Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia.”

News from International Sources

Chorus of Criticism Accompanies Azerbaijan’s Exit from Council of Europe Stage

Eurasianet, November 13, 2014,  https://www.eurasianet.org/node/70901
Azerbaijan wrapped up its chairmanship on November 13 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, one of the continent’s leading human rights organizations. Civil society activists used the occasion to lob verbal brickbats at Baku, assailing the Azerbaijani government for accelerating a domestic crackdown on dissent during its tenure at the helm in Strasbourg.
Azerbaijan took over as chair of the Committee of Ministers, the Council of Europe’s executive arm and decision-making body, back in May. Over the course of its six-month term, authorities in Baku bullied and imprisoned scores of local journalists and rights advocates, jailing some of the country’s most prominent civil society figures, including Leyla and Arif Yunus, on what watchdog groups contend are trumped-up, politically motivated charges.
Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov attended a ceremony in Strasbourg on November 13 marking the transfer of the chairmanship from Azerbaijan to Belgium. He also presented an assessment of Azerbaijan’s performance as the committee chair. A document posted on the Council of Europe’s website, titled “Stocktaking of the Azerbaijani Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe,” said that “Azerbaijan deployed considerable efforts in furthering the objectives of the Council of Europe around its three key pillars – human rights, rule of law and democracy.”
Such an assertion raised hackles among civil society activists. In a commentary distributed by the watchdog group Human Rights Watch, Giorgi Gogia, a senior researcher for the organization, highlighted the dichotomy between Baku’s words and actions on rights-related matters.

Nagorno-Karabakh: Helicopter downing threatens shaky truce

BBC, November 14, 2014, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-30044414
The shooting down of an Armenian helicopter on the ceasefire line - known as the Line of Contact that separates Armenian and Azerbaijani forces in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone - is the worst incident of its kind in more than 20 years of the truce that ended the war of the early 1990s.
Three Armenians were killed, and the Azerbaijani officer who shot down the helicopter was given a medal for courage.
It is a very disturbing development that follows a serious upsurge of fighting in the summer in which more than 20 soldiers were killed on both sides.
The Azerbaijanis blame the Armenians for sending two helicopters to fly over their positions. The Armenians say the helicopter was on a routine training mission and posed no danger.
A video taken from the Azerbaijani side shows a missile being fired and one of the two helicopters bursting into flames to shouts of excitement from the Azerbaijani soldiers.
There is no military logic to these attacks. A local commander can be responsible for small arms fire, but use of heavier weapons takes a decision from politicians higher up.

News on Turkey

Turkish top court ruling orders civil servants probe in Dink case

PanArmenian, November 14, 2014, https://www.panarmenian.net/eng/news/184782/
Civil servants and institutions allegedly implicated in the murder of the Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink should be investigated, the Constitutional Court stated in its detailed ruling on the case, according to Hurriyet Daily News.

The top Turkish court said the case was not probed efficiently and the victim’s rights were violated, in a ruling issued last July.

In its detailed ruling, the Court insisted that civil servants should not be spared from the investigation, a thorny issue that has long been one of the backbones of Dink’s lawyers’ criticism regarding the judicial process.

The court stressed that “despite a long time having passed since the murder, civil servants who allegedly committed negligence regarding the incident and whose identities were revealed have not been interrogated and there responsibility regarding the incident was not determined.”

The ruling added that because of this, it should be accepted that the investigation was not conducted with a “reasonable care and speed, therefore was inefficient.”


Members of Congress to hold press conference on White House display of Armenian Orphan Rug

ArmRadio, November 14, 2014, https://www.armradio.am/en/2014/11/14/members-of-congress-to-hold-press-conference-on-white-house-display-of-armenian-orphan-rug/
On Tuesday, November 18th, Members of Congress including Reps. Adam Schiff and David Valadao and Armenian-American groups will host a press conference at the National Press Club to mark the opening of the White House display of the Armenian Orphan Rug – also known as the Ghazir Rug – a work of art that has been the subject of political controversy since it was woven by orphan survivors of the Armenian Genocide and gifted to U.S. President Calvin Coolidge in 1925 in appreciation for U.S. humanitarian assistance following Turkey’s mass murder of over 1.5 million Armenians and other Christians during World War I.
For the past year, Rep. Schiff has been working with members of the Armenian American community, as well as several of his colleagues, to convince the White House to reverse a 2013 decision to not allow the rug to be displayed. Display of the Armenian Orphan Rug is especially sensitive to the Turkish government, which objects to any official U.S. commemoration, directly or indirectly, of the Armenian Genocide. Ankara has been able to block its exhibition for decades.

EP condemns Turkey’s gas search in Cyprus, warns of strain in ties

Today’s Zaman, November 13, 2014, https://www.todayszaman.com/diplomacy_ep-condemns-turkeys-gas-search-in-cyprus-warns-of-strain-in-ties_364293.html
Condemning Turkey's oil and gas exploration activities in northern Cypriot waters, members of the European Parliament (EP) said on Thursday that Turkey's threats undermine peace talks on the island and warned of a strain in the country's relations with the EU.

“MEPs condemned Turkey's ‘maritime survey' activities as encroaching upon the Republic of Cyprus' exclusive economic zone and its sovereign right to explore the natural resources within it, in a resolution voted on Thursday,” according to a written statement released by the EP.
The EP members stressed that Turkey's maritime surveys must be seen as illegal and provocative and called on the country to withdraw its vessel, which is conducting searches off the island.
Turkey recently sent a seismic research vessel, the Barbaros, to the region, which Greek Cyprus considers a violation of Cyprus's territorial waters.
“Turkey's actions and threats undermine the continuation of negotiations for a comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus problem,” the MEPs added and warned that their continuation may have a negative impact on EU-Turkey relations.

News from Azerbaijani Sources

Dunja Mijatović’s statement on freedom of media in Azerbaijan doesn’t reflect reality – Foreign Ministry

APA.az, November 14, 2014, https://en.apa.az/xeber_dunja_mijatovi_____s_statement_on_freedom_o_218989.html
“OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Dunja Mijatović’s statement on freedom of the media in Azerbaijan doesn’t reflect the reality,” said acting spokesman for Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry, Hikmet Hajiyev, APA reports.

He considered Mijatović’s statement biased.

“Freedom of the media and human rights are sufficiently ensured in Azerbaijan. This interpretation does not reflect the truth. Azerbaijani Permanent Mission to the OSCE informed Dunja Mijatović about our objections and position in this issue,” he said.

Hajiyev also commented on the charges that Azerbaijan “abused chairmanship” of the CoE Committee of Ministers during six-month term of chairmanship: “Azerbaijan held 18 international events during its chairmanship. We made many proposals to improve the work of the Council of Europe. However, some forces are deliberately disseminating false information. Azerbaijan carried out its role as a chair sufficiently transparent and properly. We have repeatedly expressed our position in these and other issues,” he added. 




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