2014. november 13 hírei

2014. november 13 hírei

EU calls for an investigation in helicopter downing incident in Karabakh

Common Space EU, November 13, 2014, https://commonspace.eu/eng/news/6/id3118
The European Union has called for an investigation in  an incident in which an Armenian military helicopter, belonging to the armed forces of the self-declared Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, was shot down by Azerbaijan. A statement issued by the European External Action Service (EEAS) said "it is essential that all sides show restraint and avoid any actions or statements which could escalate the situation. Furthermore, we call for an investigation into this incident."

A statement by the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry said that the Azerbaijani forces shot down the helicopter whilst responding to its fire. The Azerbaijani Defence Minister in the meantime has said that the soldier who shot down the helicopter has been given a medal.
According to Armenian sources "The helicopter was shot down on Wednesday at around 1:45pm, and as a result of ceasefire violation by the Azerbaijani armed forces. The helicopter was shot during a training flight in the airspace of the eastern sector of the Karabakh-Azerbaijan border. The location where the helicopter was shot at is very close to the Line of Contact."

Armenian Defense Minister press secretary, Artsrun Hovhannisyan, told Armenian News-NEWS.am that "the Azerbaijani accusations that the Armenian helicopters had launched an attack on Azerbaijani positions are mindless, since an examination of the pieces of the helicopter's debris will confirm that it was not armed".

General News on Armenia

Armenian Opposition Responds To Sarkisian

Azatutyun, November 12, 2014, https://www.azatutyun.am/content/article/26688127.html
Armenia’s three leading opposition parties on Wednesday challenged President Serzh Sarkisian to prove his stated commitment to dialogue with them by enacting significant changes in electoral legislation.
Senior representatives of the Armenian National Congress (HAK), Prosperous Armenia (BHK) and Zharangutyun parties responded to Sarkisian’s assurances that that his administration is taking their demands seriously.
Sarkisian said on Monday that he has told the Armenian government to “again address” a list of 12 such demands that was issued by the opposition in June. Those include the conduct of parliamentary elections only under a system of proportional representation, something which would reduce the ruling Republican Party’s chances of retaining control over the Armenian parliament. The opposition trio also wants electoral commissions to release lists of voters who cast ballots in elections, saying that this would prevent multiple voting.

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan has arrived in Nagorno-Karabakh for a working visit on Thursday

Tert.am, November 13, 2014, https://www.tert.am/en/news/2014/11/13/armenia-president-visit-nkr/
Armenia’s leader, accompanied by President of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) Bako Sahakyan, Armenian and NKR ministers of defense, top-ranking military officials, will visit a number of military units of the NKR Defense Army as part of the Unity-2014 joint battle exercise by the Armenian and NKR formed forces. 
President Serzh Sargsyan is to inspect the battle readiness and army construction process and attend military exercises. 

General News on Karabakh

Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia

MFA Armenia, November 12, 2014, https://mfa.am/en/interviews/item/2014/11/12/mfa_statement/
We strongly condemn the shooting down by the Azerbaijani armed forces of MI-24 helicopter of the Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army during a training flight.
Before and after every high-level meeting on the resolution of the issue, Baku is resorting to new provocations to undermine the negotiation process, the efforts of Armenia and the international community aimed at exclusively peaceful settlement of the conflict.
The Azerbaijani side is grossly violating the commitments on the peaceful resolution of the conflict reached during the recent summits.
Such a criminal provocation demonstrates that Baku is not only ignoring the appeals of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries, the international community on non-use of force, consolidation of ceasefire, implementation of confidence-building measures, but is acting contrary to them bearing full responsibility for the escalation of the situation. 

Examination of Karabakh helicopter fragments to prove it wasn’t armed: Armenia’s Defense

Armenpress, November 12, 2014, https://armenpress.am/eng/news/783691/
Azerbaijan made an unprecedented provocation act in the border with Karabakh, causing tension of the situation. The Spokesperson of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Armenia Artsrun Hovhannisyan told Armenpress about it. “The accusations by the Azerbaijani side, that the Armenian helicopters attacked their positions and they responded, are senseless. The examination of the Artsakh Air Forces helicopter will allow proving that it was not armed. This tension of the situation still continued after the helicopter had already fallen. Moreover, the continuous fire of the Azerbaijani forces did not allow the pilots to approach the helicopter. The consequences of this unprecedented tension will be very painful for Azerbaijan and will be on the conscience of the military political authorities of Azerbaijan”, - said Hovhannisyan.
Earlier it was reported that in the airspace of the eastern sector of the Karabakh-Azerbaijani border, in the result of the violation of the ceasefire regime, the Azerbaijani Armed Forces shot a helicopter Mi-24 of the Air Forces of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic during a training flight on November 12 at 13:45. The place of the shot is very close to the line of contact. The press service of the Defense Army of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic informed Armenpress that the rival continues firing in the direction of the incident. The details of the incident are being investigated. The Spokesperson of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Armenia Artsrun Hovhannisyan does not confirm the information about three dead in the result of the shot of the Artsakh Air Forces’ helicopter by Azerbaijan. The Commander of the staff was the Major Sergey Sahakyan.

Azerbaijan Video of Helicopter Downing Backfires on Baku

Hetq.am, November 13, 2014, https://hetq.am/eng/news/57305/azerbaijan-video-of-helicopter-downing-backfires-on-baku.html
The video below, showing the downing of an Armenian helicopter yesterday in Artsakh, has been circulated by Azerbaijan.
It clearly shows that the downed Mi-24 helicopter, one of two on a training mission, was flying quite far from Azerbaijani frontline positions when it was fired upon.
Prior to this video, Baku had disseminated video footage, purportedly portraying the downing of the helicopter, which had been actually lifted from media reports of the Ukraine conflict.
RA Ministry of Defense spokesman Artzroun Hovhannisyan has stated that this latest video, taken by Azerbaijan itself, has backfired on Baku since it clearly proves that the Armenian helicopters hadn’t crossed the border and hadn’t attacked Azerbaijani positions.
[The video is attached.]

Appeal of the NKR Commission on prisoners of war and the missing persons to the ICRC

Armenpress, November 13, 2014, https://armenpress.am/eng/news/783813/appeal-of-the-nkr-commission-on-prisoners-of-war-and-the-missing-persons-to-the-icrc.html
On November 13, State Commission on prisoners of war, hostages and the missing persons of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic appealed to the International Committee of Red Cross mission in Nagorno Karabakh in connection with the unarmed helicopter, shot down during its training flight on November 12 by the Azerbaijani armed forces.
The Commission notes that Azerbaijan keeps under fire the side where the helicopter fell, not allowing to clarify the fate of the three members of the helicopter’s crew – Sergey Sahakyan, Sargis Nazaryan and Azat Sahakyan.
NKR State Commission on prisoners of war, hostages and the missing persons asked the ICRC to assist in clarifying the location of helicopter’s staff and returning them.

Azerbaijan breaks the promise to France

Mediamax, November 13, 2014, https://www.mediamax.am/en/news/region/12255/
"France- Artsakh’’ parliamentary friendship group condemned downing of the Artsakh Defense Army helicopter by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces.

“We condemn the new outbreak of violation. We state that as always, it is the Azerbaijani authorities that are responsible for it again”, said MP of French parliament, President of “France-Artsakh” friendship group Francois Rochebloine. 
He recalled that during the meeting with French President Hollande in Paris on October 27, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev together with his Armenian counterpart committed to take action to “defuse tension on the spot”.
“This provocation nullifies Azerbaijan’s commitments. We hoped Baku would adopt a more rational and constructive behavior after Armenia-Azerbaijan meeting on October 27 in Paris. Breaking the promise to France only a few days ago, the Azerbaijani leadership showed that it’s not a reliable partner in the region”, concluded Francois Rochebloine.

U.S. Congressman slams Azerbaijan’s disregard for human life

PanArmenian, November 13, 2014,  https://www.panarmenian.net/eng/news/184755/
.S. Congressman Adam Schiff issued a statement to condemn the downing of an Artsakh Mi-24 helicopter by Azerbaijani forces.

“The apparent shootdown of an unarmed helicopter over the territory of the NKR, demonstrates Azerbaijan’s callous disregard for human life and its willingness to engage in provocative acts of violence to distract from its domestic problems,” said Rep. Schiff.

“This horrendous conduct threatens to destabilize the entire region.”

Meanwhile, Armenian National Committee of America Executive Director Aram Hamparian was critical of the Minsk Group statement, as it places “equal blame” on both sides.

“While the Minsk Group Co-Chairs appear to appreciate the gravity of Azerbaijan’s aggression—as reflected in their welcome expression of ‘serious concern’ over Baku’s fatal attack on this helicopter—the OSCE’s public response once again falls back into the deeply flawed pattern of placing equal blame on both sides for hostility that all the world knows is being directed by one man, Ilham Aliyev, the President of Azerbaijan,” he said.

NATO urges restraint after Karabakh helicopter’s downing by Azerbaijan

News.am, November 13, 2014, https://news.am/eng/news/239008.html
The NATO Secretary General’s Special Representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia, James Appathurai, has urged restraint to the sides of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. 

“Concerned by reports about an Armenian helicopter being shot down by Azerbaijani forces. Whatever the circumstances of the incident, both sides should remain calm and pursue a diplomatic resolution,” the NATO official wrote in his Facebook account.

Downing of Armenian helicopter threatens new escalation: CSTO

Armenpress, November 13, 2014, https://armenpress.am/eng/news/783796/downing-of-armenian-helicopter-threatens-new-escalation-csto.html
The downing of the Armenian helicopter during a training flight provokes further aggravation of the situation in the region and increases our concerns, Secretary General of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) Nikolay Bordyuzha said in a statement. “Armed incidents have occurred along the line of contact of the armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan all through 2014. The ceasefire was violated over 1,500 times only during the three summer months with civilian settlements and peaceful population targeted. There were facts of incursion of subversive groups that resulted in violence and death of civilians,” the Secretary General said.

“Today we witnessed yet another violation of the ceasefire agreement. The downing of the helicopter is a dangerous expression of violence, which creates a new threat of escalation of the conflict. The situation in the South Caucasus is further aggravating,” he said. “We are deeply convinced of the need to prevent the threatening development of the situation. The most important things that could prevent such turn of events include refusal from the use of force, unequivocal commitment to the ceasefire agreement and avoidance of provocative actions. It’s important to ensure the continuation of the negotiation process on the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict,” CSTO Secretary General Nikolay Bordyuzha stated.


News from International Sources

Press Statement by the Minsk Group Co-Chairs

OSCE, November 12, 2014, https://www.osce.org/mg/126630
The Minsk Group Co-Chairs (Ambassadors Igor Popov of the Russian Federation, James Warlick of the United States, and Pierre Andrieu of France) express our very serious concern about the downing of a helicopter near the Line of Contact and the recent violence. We regret the loss of life and express our condolences to the families. 
The Co-Chairs are deeply worried by the events that prompted this drastic incident, the first of its kind since the ceasefire agreement was reached.  We strongly appeal to the sides to avoid steps that would escalate tension along the Line of Contact and Armenia-Azerbaijan border.  The region cannot afford another round of violence like we witnessed this summer.  Today's events remind us of the volatility of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the urgency to intensify efforts to find a lasting settlement. We remain resolved to assist the sides in any way possible.
We remind the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan of their responsibilities to respect the ceasefire and honour the commitments they made in Sochi, Newport, and Paris to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict.  We also encourage them to adopt confidence-building measures now that would increase transparency along the Line of Contact and the Armenia-Azerbaijan border, and reduce the likelihood of events like today's incident. 

Statement by the Spokesperson on a helicopter incident in the context of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

EEAS, November 12, 2014, https://eeas.europa.eu/statements-eeas/2014/141112_02_en.htm
Following reports of a cease-fire breach on 12 November 2014 along the Line of Contact, in which a military helicopter is reported to have been shot down, it is essential that all sides show restraint and avoid any actions or statements which could escalate the situation. Furthermore, we call for an investigation into this incident.
The European Union reiterates its full support to the efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group and the three Co-Chairs. Both sides have to strictly respect the ceasefire, to refrain from the use of force or any threat thereof, and to resume efforts towards a peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

News on Turkey

France ‘Working’ On New Armenian Genocide Bill

Azatutyun, November 12, 2014, https://www.azatutyun.am/content/article/26688141.htm
France’s President Francois Hollande has instructed his government to draft a new law that would make it a crime to deny the 1915 Armenian genocide in Ottoman Turkey, a senior French diplomat said on Wednesday.
“In accordance with the president’s instruction, the French government … is working on the new bill that would address objections made by the Constitutional Council,” Jean-Francois Charpentier, the new French ambassador to Armenia, told a news conference.
Charpentier said the bill is being drafted by the French Ministry of Justice. But he could not say when it will be approved by the government and sent to the French parliament.The parliament’s two houses already passed such a law in December 2011 and January 2012, a move that was orchestrated by Hollande’s predecessor Nicolas Sarkozy. France’s constitutional court subsequently struck it down as unconstitutional, however.                               

US says deeply troubled by attack on sailors; suspects released

Today’s Zaman, November 13, 2014, https://www.todayszaman.com/anasayfa_us-says-deeply-troubled-by-attack-on-sailors-suspects-released_364243.html
The police have released 12 ultranationalist protesters who were detained after an assault on three US soldiers, and the US Department of State has said that the US is deeply troubled by the assault, which occurred in the Eminönü neighborhood of İstanbul on Wednesday.
A group of ultranationalist Turkish protesters from the Turkish Youth Union (TGB) staged a demonstration in Eminönü on Wednesday morning to protest the docking of the US Navy's Arleigh Burke-class destroyer USS Ross in İstanbul for four days after a NATO drill in the Black Sea. The TGB members tried to cover the heads of the sailors with sacks in an act reminiscent of a 2003 incident in which Turkish soldiers were captured by US forces in Iraq and had hoods put over their heads.
A total of 12 TGB members were detained by the Turkish police on Wednesday. At about 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, the detained TGB members were taken to Haseki Education and Research Hospital for medical examinations. After their medical examinations, the detainees were referred to the Çağlayan Courthouse, where they were released, but the suspects could still face charges for causing insult and injury.

News from Azerbaijani Sources

Azerbaijan awards servicemen who shot down enemy helicopter

APA.az, November 12, 2014, https://en.apa.az/xeber_azerbaijan_awards_servicemen_who_shot_do_218896.html
The servicemen who shot down the enemy’s helicopter has been awarded.
Under the order of Defense Minister, Colonel General Zakir Hasanov, extended serviceman, unit commander Muradov Ilkin Mammad oghlu has been awarded a third degree medal "For distinguished military service” for shooting down the enemy’s Mi-24 helicopter showing vigilance and heroism while executing combat duty, the Defense Ministry told APA.
The Defense Ministry also reported that one of the enemy’s two helicopters was downed, while the other evaded from fire. According to preliminary information, the enemy's three servicemen on board were killed.

Polad Bulbuloghlu: We will strongly resist aggression unless occupants leave Azerbaijan’s territory

APA.az, November 13, 2014, https://en.apa.az/xeber_polad_bulbuloghlu__we_will_strongly_resi_218946.html
We are defending our territorial integrity and will continue to defend by all means, including military.

Azerbaijani Ambassador to Russia Polad Bulbuloghlu said it in his interview to "Kommersant" radio, Azerbaijan’s Embassy in Russia toldAPA.

He said it's not a secret, as the Azerbaijani side has repeatedly stated it.

“Our armed forces are strong enough. We will defend our territorial integrity. We will strongly resist aggression, unless the occupants leave the territory of Azerbaijan,” he said.

“We will continue the policy of cleansing our territories,” he noted.



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