2014. november 11 hírei

2014. november 11 hírei

Zakaryan: Azerbaijani delegation to Euronest got into awkward situation

Aysor.am, November 10, 2014, https://www.aysor.am/en/news/2014/11/10/artak-zaqaryan/
The Armenian delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly aims to help most European MPs form a definite position on the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, Artak Zakaryan - the head of Armenian National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Foreign Relations and the head of the Armenian delegation to the Euronest PA – told reporters today.
In his words, the Azerbaijani delegation got into an awkward situation as it chose a report that had nothing to do with Azerbaijan. 
“As always Azerbaijanis tried to link any issue with their position on the NKR, but European MPs urged them not to load the agenda with issues beyond the framework of debates,” Zakaryan said stressing the need for correct organization of work with new MPs of Euronest.
“We could not meet all of them, but we communicated with many MPs during sittings of the commission. We mostly met with influential actors. Not all of them had clear ideas about Karabakh and very often they wanted to hear an excursion to learn about the history and process of the Karabakh conflict. The main thing is that they were invited to visit Armenia and Karabakh as they believe that they should pay a visit so as to determine their position,” Zakaryan noted.
In this context, he attached importance to the foundation of an EU-Armenia friendship group in the European Parliament. “Our aim is that the majority of European MPs will have a definite position on Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh as soon as possible,” A. Zakaryan said. 

Armenia-EU Relations

Armenia’s integration issues cannot be obstacle to Euronest

Aysor.am, November 10, 2014, https://www.aysor.am/en/news/2014/11/10/zaqaryan-arzumanyan-poghosyan/
Armenia’s accession to the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) was not discussed at the session of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly, member of the Armenian delegation to the Euronest PA Alexander Arzumanyan told journalists today.
In the words of the Armenian delegation’s head Artak Zakaryan, during the session the Azerbaijani side raised the issue of how Armenia intends to continue working in Euronest after its entry into EEU, but Europeans said that Armenia’s integration processes cannot become an obstacle.
Another member of the Armenian delegation, Tevan Poghosyan, said for his part that it is necessary to look for a new format of cooperation with the European Union.     

General News on Armenia

Armenia defense minister pays working visit to Belgium 

News.am, November 11, 2014, https://news.am/eng/news/238578.html
The Minister of Defense of Armenia, Seyran Ohanyan, on Monday traveled to Belgium on a working visit.  

First, the minister visited the NATO Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), where he met with Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), United States Air Force General Philip Mark Breedlove, the Armenia MOD press service informed. 
They discussed the raising of the level of interoperability between the Armenian Armed Forces and the NATO forces in ensuring international stability and in peacekeeping operations, and regional security matters.
On the same day, Ohanyan had a working meeting with the Deputy Secretary-General of NATO, Alexander Vershbow. 
The interlocutors conferred on Armenia-NATO bilateral cooperation, and regional and global security challenges.  The parties highly praised the current level of cooperation, and expressed the hope that it will continue to develop with the same success.

Serzh Sargsyan suggests Government again revising opposition document: EXCLUSIVE

Armenpress, November 10, 2014, https://armenpress.am/eng/news/783375/serzh-sargsyan-suggests-government-again-revising-opposition-document-exclusive.html
The President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan today visited the CANDLE Synchrotron Research Institute and got acquainted with the works of the first stage of CANDLE project, AREAL, and the international cooperation programs of the Institute. After the touring the Institute the President answered Armenpress questions.
- Mr. President, I would like to ask you to comment on the current domestic political processes taking place in Armenia, especially on the demands, rallies and statements of the opposition.
- It is obvious that we attentively follow the domestic political processes. In general my appeal and approach to my party partners and the public administration bodies’ representatives is not to accept the proposals and critics as something unfriendly, but take them into account and filter from it all that might be useful. From this point of view, certainly, the most significant is the document, called by the “parliamentary trio” 12-point-document. They suggested the Government to implement all the points of the document. The Government thoroughly examined it and everybody knows that the Government provided detailed answers on the document. We have the situation, when the parliamentary forces or the trio are not satisfied with those answers. In this situation I think that it would be right, and suggested the Government, to revise the document once more, discuss it point by point and note the concrete processes, with which those points will be implemented. We have only one objective. We should use all the forces to develop our country. Once again I would say that both among my party partners and the state apparatus I am certain that notwithstanding what form the criticism has, the only important thing should be to find something useful in it, which, bringing to life, will improve our situation.

President Sargsyan meets World Bank Vice President for Europe and Central Asia

Times.am, November 10, 2014, https://www.times.am/?p=100709&l=en
On November 10 President Serzh Sargsyan received a delegation headed by Laura Tuck, World Bank Vice President for Europe and Central Asia. Press service of Armenian President informs about this.
The President welcomed the guests and underscored that Armenia highly appreciates its cooperation with the World Bank, a partner and an organization having made an invaluable contribution to the social-economic development of our country, launched since 1992. Serzh Sargsyan assured that Armenia has never considered the World Bank as a mere organization that finances investments programs, but a vital partner which supports economic reforms and human resource development through passing on the best international practice and knowledge in separate professional fields.
The World Bank Vice President underlined that it was with great pleasure and commitment that the bank cooperates with Armenia, a partner with the best performance rating in the region, and she was happy to continue supporting the country in improving living standards and reducing poverty.

Cracks Emerge In Armenian Opposition

Azatutyun, November 10, 2014, https://www.azatutyun.am/content/article/26684344.html
The Armenian National Congress (HAK) of Levon Ter-Petrosian has warned Gagik Tsarukian’s Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK) against taking a cautious line in their joint anti-government campaign, exposing potentially serious differences between the two leading opposition forces.
In a weekend statement, the HAK questioned the BHK leadership’s apparent reluctance to stage more anti-government rallies in the coming weeks. It said Tsarukian’s party will risk making a “fateful mistake” if it chooses to indefinitely postpone such protests.
The BHK, which currently has a larger following than the HAK or any other opposition group, effectively dismissed the warning on Monday with a statement issued by its spokesman, Tigran Urikhanian. The latter said that Ter-Petrosian’s party is free to “hold any public gathering on its own at any location and at any time.”

Microsoft Corporation interested in long-term cooperation with Armenia

ArmRadio, November 10, 2014, https://www.armradio.am/en/2014/11/10/microsoft-corporation-interested-in-long-term-cooperation-with-armenia/
Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan received today Mark Day, General Manager of the Government Industry for Worldwide Public Sector at Microsoft Corporation.
The Prime Minister noted that the Armenian government actively cooperates with companies of the IT sector, and added that the development of the field is among the key priorities of the executive.
According to Hovik Abrahamyan, the Armenian government successfully implements a number of programs and initiatives in cooperation withfamous international companies, including the Microsoft.
“We have already had common achievements within the framework of cooperation. The Microsoft Innovation Center in our country has boosted the implementation of new ideas in the sphere and the formation of new companies,” the Prime Minister noted, adding that the establishment of the Microsoft Academy of Information Technologies at the State Engineering University of Armenia was among the most important initiatives.
Mark Day noted, in turn, that he’s impressed by Microsoft’s cooperation with the Armenian government and the achievements registered within that framework.
“Armenia’s reputation in the IT sphere has reached the world level and many countries are interested in your experience,” he said.

Karekin II, Aram I Commemorate Armenian Genocide

Asbarez, November 10, 2014, https://asbarez.com/128784/karekin-ii-aram-i-commemorate-armenian-genocide/
The Supreme Patriarch and the Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II and the Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia Aram I held a joint prayer to God at the Dzidzernagapert Armenian Genocide Memorial in Yerevan. A Bishops’ Synod will meet on Nov. 11 at the Holy See of Mother Etchmiadzin, which will discuss the issue of canonization of the victims of the Armenian Genocide.
The leaders of the Armenian episcopates from different countries, headed by Karekin II and Aram I, laid flowers at the Eternal Flame in Dzidzernagapert in memory of 1.5 million innocent victims of the Armenian Genocide, after which they held a memorial service.

Ruble’s Adventures: Fall of Russia’s national currency causing concern in Armenia

Armenia Now, November 11, 2014, https://www.armenianow.com/economy/58373/armenia_russia_ruble_depreciation_economy_trade
The Russian ruble’s sharp depreciation against major international currencies during recent days caused concerns also Armenia which plans to become part of the Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) next year. Apart from close economic and trade relations with Russia, Armenia also has a sizable community in that country. 
One of the opinions circulating in Armenia these days is that the depreciation of the ruble, which is largely conditional on Western sanctions against Russia, can also have an adverse effect on the Armenian economy because the volumes of private remittances, which have significant importance for the country’s market, continue decreasing.
The Central Bank recently published data according to which in September $153.3 million was transferred from Russia to Armenia, which is by 8.6 percent less than transfers of September 2013.

News from International Sources

Increased repression of free media in Azerbaijan must stop, OSCE Representative says

OSCE, November 10, 2014, https://www.osce.org/fom/126534
Following the detention of Azerbaijani blogger Mehman Huseynov, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović today said that the ongoing and increasing number of repressive actions against independent media and advocates of freedom of expression in Azerbaijan must stop.
“Practically all independent media representatives and media NGOs have been purposefully persecuted under various, often unfounded and disturbing charges,” Mijatović said.
Huseynov was detained at Baku Airport on 10 November when trying to depart for Tbilisi to attend the 11th South Caucasus Media Conference, invited by the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media. Huseynov was taken into police custody and released after several hours of questioning.
Mijatović further noted that Khadija Ismailova, a journalist with Radio Azadliq, also invited to the conference in Tbilisi, could not attend due to earlier travel restrictions imposed on her.
“I fully concur with the recent assessment made by the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights Nils Muižnieks,” Mijatović said. “I repeat my call on the authorities in Azerbaijan to end this hostile attitude against free media.”

News on Turkey

EU on new restrictions: freedom of media key issue for candidates

Today’s Zaman, November 11, 2014, https://www.todayszaman.com/national_eu-on-new-restrictions-freedom-of-media-key-issue-for-candidates_364005.html
Freedom and pluralism of the media are key issues potential candidate states are being asked to take into account in order to be a part of the European Union, Maja Kocijancic, a spokesperson for the European Commission, said when asked to evaluate an expanding media accreditation ban being placed on certain media outlets by the Turkish government.
Withholding press accreditation to bar journalists from attending events appears to have become common practice in Turkey, with several media outlets not given permission to cover President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's inauguration ceremony on Aug. 28 as one example. The Prime Ministry and Ministry of Foreign Affairs are the most recent government institutions to have imposed an accreditation ban on certain media outlets that are not pro-government.
Kocijancic, responding to a question on the matter, said that freedom of expression is one of the essential foundations of the European Union. “The European Union is committed to respect freedom and pluralism of the media, as well as the right to information and [the] freedom of expression,” she said.

World’s refugees rush to Turkey on way to EU

Harriyet Daily News, November 11, 2014, https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/worlds-refugees-rush-to-turkey-on-way-to-eu.aspx?pageID=238&nID=74134&NewsCatID=359
Turkey has increasingly become a bridge for human trafficking, as citizens of developing countries exploit its visa exemption policies to use its territory as a stepping stone to reach Europe, according to a parliamentary report. 
A commission from Parliament's Human Rights Committee on the issue conducted research on the border with Greece and Bulgaria and prepared a report. 
The report found that even people from as far away as the Dominican Republic are being captured at border crossings in the northwestern province of Edirne.
It also cited the mountainous terrain in the eastern part of Turkey, the country's open-door policy vis-à-vis Syrian refugees, and visa exemption practices with a number of developing countries as contributing factors attracting people to Turkey ahead of illegal crossing attempts.

Police use pressured water, pepper gas against Validebağ protesters

Today’s Zaman, November 11, 2014, https://www.todayszaman.com/anasayfa_police-use-pressured-water-pepper-gas-against-validebag-protesters_364064.html
Tensions once again ran high near the Validebağ Grove in İstanbul's Üsküdar district on Sunday night with police using pepper spray and pressurized water against people protesting the construction of a mosque on the parking lot near the grove.

The tensions erupted after a group of protesters who wanted to enter the grove were not let by the police. Some women who were affected by pepper gas sprayed by the police were treated at ambulances.

The construction of the mosque, commissioned by the Justice and Development Party (AK Party)-ruled Üsküdar municipal government and against which the İstanbul 7th Administrative Court has issued an injunction, is continuing, with hundreds of riot police at the site wielding tear gas and shields to repel peaceful protesters and local residents.

Lawsuits against the construction of the mosque were filed by local residents and activists. The İstanbul 7th Administrative Court ordered a cessation of the ongoing construction on Oct. 22, after which construction came to a halt, according to statements given by the Üsküdar mayor that day. Then, despite the court's ruling, construction resumed and did not stop again until Oct. 30. Although it was unclear why the construction went on, some suggested that the authorities have a right to continue construction because the İstanbul municipality also objected to the decision to halt the construction.



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