2014. augusztus 25. hírei

2014. augusztus 25. hírei

August 23 marks 24th anniv. of Armenia's Declaration of Independence

Panarmenian News, 23 August 2014, https://www.panarmenian.net/eng/news/181828/

24 years ago, the Supreme Council adopted a declaration of Armenian independence, renaming Armenian Socialist Republic as the Republic of Armenia.

General News on Armenia 

Interview with President Sargsyan on Baku’s goals

Armenia Today, 25 August, https://www.armtoday.info/default.asp?Lang=_Ru&NewsID=115889 [Link in Russian]

Azerbaijan’s latest provocations only have one goal: to show the international community that the war is not over and that the current state of status quo is unacceptable. Serzh Sargsyan explains that Azerbaijan is trying to impress and intimidate Armenia, by means heavy weapons, which was not the case in the last 20 years. On the other hand, Baku is also trying to justify its important military expenditure and, in this way, to solve potential internal disputes on Aliyev’s policy. M. Sargsyan finally recalls that the process of negotiations, even though it is not making progress yet, will continue in the coming months.

Suren Surenyants announces creation of new party

Panorama.am, 23 August 2014, https://www.panorama.am/en/politics/2014/08/23/surenyanc-s/

I believed that the liberal political forces could consolidate, but they didn’t – and therefore I am announcing the creation of a new party – New Liberal Party, head of the party’s organizing body Suren Surenyants told a news conference on Saturday. In his words, it is not important how many members the party will have – it is much more important that the party be based on ideology.

Hraparak: Armenian PM to make personnel changes

Panorama.am, 23 August 2014, https://www.panorama.am/en/society/2014/08/23/hraparak1/

Armenian Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan’s discontent during the last cabinet meeting will not remain without consequences for some members of the cabinet, Hraparak writes. Sources in the government told the newspaper that the Prime Minister’s anger was caused by his meeting with businessmen held a few days ago.

Artsrun Hovhannisyan: We are not bargaining with Azerbaijan as if we are in Baku market

Armradio.am, 22 August 2014, https://www.armradio.am/en/2014/08/22/artsrun-hovhannisyan-we-are-not-bargaining-with-azerbaijan-as-if-we-are-in-baku-market/

Spokesman for the Ministry of Defense of Armenia Artsrun Hovhannisyan referred on his Facebook page upon the statements of the Defense Ministry of Azerbaijan concerning the “exchange” of prisoners, writing; “We are not yet in Azerbaijani market and we are not engaged in bargaining. We are committed to principles of humanity, and are not putting forward or accepting preconditions. (…)” Artsrun Hovhannisyan said.

International Committee of the Red Cross: Remains should be repatriated without any preconditions

News.am, 23 August 2014, https://news.am/eng/news/225298.html

The international humanitarian law suggests that the remains of deceased should be repatriated without any preconditions, representative of ICRC Yerevan office Zara Amatuni told. This is obligation for all states that had signed the Geneva Convention, she said commenting on the recent statement by Azerbaijani official. Head of Azerbaijani committee on refugees and displaced persons Ali Hasanov said Azerbaijani Defense Ministry offered Armenia to exchange a five-member Armenian family and the body of Karen Petrosyan for Azerbaijani saboteurs Shahbaz Guliyev and Dilgam Askerov, as well as the body of dead saboteur Hasan Hasanov.

Russia calls for thorough investigation into Karen Petrosyan's death

Armenpress.am, 23 August 2014, https://armenpress.am/eng/news/773560/russia%E2%80%99s-foreign-ministry-calls-for-thorough-investigation-into-cases-like-karen-petrosyans-death.html

Russian Foreign Ministry official representative Alexander Lukashevich commented in response to inquiry on Karen Petrosyan’s death in Azerbaijani captivity. “We deeply regret that the unresolved Nagorno Karabakh conflict is accompanied by human losses, death of people, and not only during the clashes. (…) We consider it necessary to conduct thorough investigations into such incidents”, Lukashevich said.

Armenian Catholicos condemns violence against Iraqi Yazidis

News.am, 25 August 2014, https://news.am/eng/news/225418.html

Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II sent a letter of support to Mir Tahsin Beg Saied, the temporal leader of the Yazidi community of the world. “We extend our condolences to you on the ongoing mass killings of the Yazidi population in Iraq. We are deeply concerned about the inhuman violence and the resultant numerous victims,” the Catholicos’ message reads.

A new great chess success for Armenian chess player Samuel Sevian

Armenpress.am, 25 August 2014, https://armenpress.am/eng/news/773575/chess-player-samuel-sevian-records-unique-success.html

13-year-old Samuel Sevian scored a grandmaster norm for the third time and became the first chess player in the USA history who reaches the highest chess degree not being even 14.

General News on Nagorno-Karabakh

Azerbaijan made 80 violations during the weekend

Armradio.am, 25 August 2014, https://www.armradio.am/en/2014/08/25/adversary-made-80-violations-during-the-weekend/

According to the recent report of NKR Ministry of Defense, Azerbaijani forces breached the truce about 80 times on Karabakh-Azerbaijan Line of Contact on August 23-24. Over 650 shots were fired at Karabakh frontline positions from guns of different calibers, the Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Ministry reports.

Report from Karabakh frontlines

News.am, 23 August 2014, https://news.am/eng/news/225140.html

A group of journalists went to the Armenian frontlines, to get acquainted with the situation on location, and after Azerbaijan’s several sabotage attempts. They interviewed a soldier, Mikhail Amirkhanyan, and made a photo report.

IWPR: In virtual warfare Armenian media have grown more careful

Panorama.am, 23 August 2014, https://www.panorama.am/en/society/2014/08/23/iwpr/

The recent spike in violence around Nagorny Karabakh has been accompanied by an information warfare, reports the article by Goar Adamyan titled “Azerbaijani-Armenian Media Wage Virtual War” published on the website of British Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR).

International news

Ambassador ignores bogus charges against rights activists in Azerbaijan

Washington Post, 24 August 2014, https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/ambassador-ignores-bogus-charges-against-rights-activists-in-azerbaijan/2014/08/24/7b5176aa-28ae-11e4-8b10-7db129976abb_story.html

In a response to the Washington Post’s editorial criticizing President Ilham Aliyev’s, the Azerbaijani Ambassador Elin Suleymanov did not address the bogus charges of spying for Armenia made against Leyla and Arif Yunus, the fact that Ms. Yunus is being denied medicines and medical treatment or the fact that there are dozens of other political prisoners being detained or imprisoned in Azerbaijani jails. Belittling the important nongovernmental diplomacy that the Yunuses are involved in to help promote peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan because Azerbaijan “is working through the Minsk Group to achieve this” defies understanding.

Bayram Balci: Turkey’s and Azerbaijan’s accession to Customs Union highly unlikely

Panorama.am, 23 August 2014, https://www.panorama.am/en/interviews/2014/08/23/b-balchi/

On the prospects of Erdogan’s presidency for Turkey and for the South Caucasus region Panorama.am has spoken to Dr. Bayram Balci – visiting scholar in Carnegie’s Middle East Program and founding member of the European Journal of Turkish Studies. Dr. Balci believes that there is a risk for Turkey to become more authoritarian but that Turkey is going to be interested in normalization of relations with Armenia. He also considers the membership of Turkey or Azerbaijan in the Eurasian Union highly unlikely.

News about Turkey

360 Turkish websites hacked; hackers call on to recognize Armenian Genocide

Panorama.am, 23 August 2014, https://www.panorama.am/en/society/2014/08/23/samvel-martirosyan/

‘Monte Melkonyan Cyber Army’ Armenian hacker group has crashed 360 Turkish websites, calling for recognition of the Armenian Genocide, media expert Samvel Martirosyan told.

Armenia to take part in Erdogan’s inauguration on FM level

Mediamax.am, 25 August 2014, https://www.mediamax.am/en/news/foreignpolicy/11354/

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said that Armenia received an invitation from the Turkish authorities to take part in the inauguration ceremony of the newly elected President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and "the participation will most probably be on the level of Foreign Minister”.

News from Azerbaijani sources

Official Baku releases statement regarding stance by U.S. and France on Petrosyan's death

Today.az, 23 August 2014, https://today.az/news/politics/136457.html

“Increased and consolidated efforts by the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs, who are also bearing obligations and responsibilities as UN Security Council Permanent Members, to eliminate the consequences of occupation and to ensure soonest resolution of the conflict would be more worthwhile. We call on United States and France to demonstrate principled position with regard to the resolution of the conflict and to refrain from double standards and bias attitude while expressing condolences and concerns”, concluded the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan in this statement.

Armenia turned down Azerbaijan's proposal on exchanging captives

News.az, 22 August 2014, https://news.az/articles/karabakh/91416

Armenia has turned down Azerbaijan's proposal on exchanging captives, an Azerbaijani official has said.

Member of Azerbaijani delegation to the Parlimaentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) accuses PACE Secretary-General of not honoring gentlemen’s agreement about a motion on Nagorno-Karabakh

APA.az, 25 August 2014, https://en.apa.az/news/215481

Elkhan Suleymanov appeals to PACE Secretary-General Anne Brasseur, members of the Bureau of the PACE, Secretary-General of the Council of Europe and Secretary-General of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. He accuses them of rejecting his proposition of a motion condemning Armenia’s occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh in favour of another one, tipping in Armenia’s favour. This motion will be addressed during the next meeting of the Bureau of PACE in Paris on 2 September 2014.

Armenian troops breach ceasefire with Azerbaijan

Azernews.az, 25 August 2014, https://www.azernews.az/azerbaijan/69935.html

Over the past 24 hours Armenians opened fire at the Azerbaijani armed forces from the positions located on the nameless heights and near the villages of Chilaburt of the Terter region and Tapgaragoyunlu of the Goranboy region, Azerbaijan's Defense Ministry reported on August 25.


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